What's your favorite Beer?
Posted most of these in the 666 world tour thread, but thought it was appropriate to post here too.
Good ole Jester King.
Started the morning with Multifarious, brewed in collaboration with 18th Street Brewery. Nice simple oatmeal stout, very drinkable at noon for a stout. Grabbed a bottle of this too.
Next was Burton's Roadside Wares, brewed in collaboration with Arizona Wilderness Brewing Co. Outstanding, very oak-y. Took bottle of this home.
Audio Palette, brewed in collaboration with Stillwater Artisanal. Nice farmhouse ale, very light.
Madrugada Obscura from Jolly Pumpkin, I'm starting to really like sour stouts.
Hot brewing vats at Jester King.
Barrel aging room. Lovely smell in here.
Keg of Cantillon!
Very cool coolship, a method of brewing I don't think I had ever heard about before.
And these are from last night. I really liked the blueberry, one of my favorite fruits to have sours made from. Color 5 from Jester King being my personal favorite. But this is nice, not worth the asking price though.
Since I came across these I had to have one somewhat fresh.
Feckin fantastic updates and pics^^^so cool, thank you!! Can't get much better than Jestre King collabs, Cantillion and a Texas Coolship!!
I'm not doin anything that sweet, but I did walk up and down the Katy trail in Dallas multiple times and logged at least 8 miles with a 20lb. GR1. Now I'm drinking the Mosaic IPA by Community Brewing at the Katy Trail Icehouse watching basketball
Open coolships are standard for lambic breweries here… This way the bacteria get to do their part...
That's what the guy was telling us, very common for breweries around your neck of the woods.
Much easier there given the more temperate climate. Also they had this one built in place due to limited space.
It was made with stainless steel for the support structure and lined with copper. -
Oh man, you're in the deep end!! I've worked for Avery and Oskar Blues, knew the guys at Baere and Powder Keg Brewing, and frequented Upslope, Epic, Great Divide, Breckenridge, Crooked Stave, and Post. But, holy hell there are a lot of breweries! Good Luck. If you need any advice on the best selections for a particular style that you like, lemme know! Let that be the only Coors you drink all week!! There is so much more….
Promise that will be my last Coors. What brewery's should I look for. I like a lot of beer styles. When I walked into the store last night the guy asked me what I like. They had mamma's little pils and I told him that was one of my favorites and he recommended the others, minus the Coors. Oskar Blues has become a lot easier for me since they opened nc brewery. Love Avery as well. Going beer shopping again tomorrow. Look forward to your suggestions
Mama's Pilz. :-\ Hey, it's all good, but why not go BIG?!! In this case you need to buy the Avery "Lilliko'i Keppolo" immediately. It's their White Rascal-ish recipe aged on Passion Fruit.
It's expensive-ish, but so is everything, it's worth it for the flavor. It's better on tap, but the cans are SOLID. You can find them pretty much everywhere
This was the beer we drank on the line during the rushes, which was all day, this and the "UNCLE JACOB's STOUT" (But that's a horse of a different color). If you are in Boulder, take Foothills Parkway northbound to Gunbarrel and look at their epic new brewery location, complete with the twin lakes and plenty of walking paths if you can make it out of the brewery!
Where are you staying, location wise?
And @Broark , this is on my must find/drink list! And that glass is stellar. Well played
@adam313 If you're still in Texas it should be somewhat easy to find, Lone Pint used to brew it once a year but it's gotten quite popular lately and they've moved it to year round production. If there's a beer I could keep 6 bombers of at a time it would probably be fresh Yellow Rose! Sadly I don't have the fridge space for that.
I am. In Dallas proper. I will scour the city tomorrow. Pics to follow
Although if I could, I would keep Pliny the Younger in my Fridge, but we fucked that up the year we were able to buy growlers of it and it sold out in hours, literally.
See I've had Pliny the Elder when I was out in SF, and honestly I thought it wasn't nearly as good as Supplication from Russian River. But Pliny the Younger is a different monster I'm sure.
And really if I could keep a case of anything in the fridge it would be Atrial Rubicite aged in sherry barrels.
But that's just crazy talk! -
MMMMMMmmmm, aged on dried Cherries!
And yes, triple IPA's on draft are
Googling Rubicite, keep talkin!…..good work
Atrial is one of those ones that you'll have to make it out to Jester King to get (at least in previous years).
Really most of their sours tend to get really hyped up, not always rightfully so, but most I've had are great.
Sadly their production is still so small that a lot of the time if you're not lucky enough to make it to the brewery the weekend that the beer gets released you might miss it entirely. Kind of annoying as someone who works weekends at times, but when you do get to go out there it's always a great time.
The one I'm still kicking myself for missing out on was Fen Tao.