Random Rants
Effing bastard dog dumpers struck again. This time in our new neighborhood and with what appears to be a pregnant momma dog. Hopefully she stays dry under our porch during this rain storm and I can find someone to take care of her.
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Oh yes, decidedly so. Yikes!
Yep. Especially from the back. Looks like a little kid whose diaper couldn't hold all of his deuce.
Anyone else thinks pants like these are disgusting?
they are usually paired with a dress for a top. quite the scene in perth unfortunately..
Goes well with this gem from their collection
Class all the way
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Please tell me that is not actually fucking real.
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I think this garbage is what Giles was referencing over in the resource center about fast fashion causing IH production headaches. How hard can it be for someone to make something that awful?
Wow, that's all I can really say:
That was… educational.
All I can say about Clints link is that there are forums out there when most of those pictures would be described as "dope fits"….and that scares me.