White's Boots
Got a call from Kyle about my incoming competition boots today (already at 10 weeks and counting from order confirmation, was 6-8 week lead time when I ordered) seems they can't do a 430 mini-lug sole, regular trim with an E width… so close trim it is! Kyle was super friendly and helpful as usual...
...but at this point I just want the boots... sigh
Damn. Ten weeks already? I just ordered mine two weeks ago and am chomping at the bit already. I have a long way to go.
Toe is collapsing nicely
Man that really sucks and makes no sense. Like you said, this had to of happened at some point before. I mean it's not like you have a size 17 or something crazy right?
That makes no sense at all. I ordered a pair in 10.5D, regular trim, swing last, (which is really wide at the front half of the foot) with the mini-lug sole. They made it with no problem.
I think something else is going on here.
Planning my next order going in in the next couple of weeks. Stitch down hikers in a crazy combo of red dog rough out and brown dress.
My 13D bounty hunter can't be made with VIb430, so I opted for composition sole, I guess this could be due to whatever supply in their warehouse at that time.
On another note, my HWBC boots are almost here….They made my 12.5D with Vib430 mini lug. I guess 12.5 is the cutoff… Great news on your boots - you will be very happy soon.
White's Northwest in Aztec Bullhide.
Lace-to-Toe 6"
Btw, does anyone know what products I can use to clean the bullhide leather? Its matt and changes colour when water drops on it so I've since then applied a layer of obernauf's to waterproof them a little. However, that's not stopping dirt and grime from sticking to the surface.
They look sweet!
You can use any normal leather care product for bullhide. Personally, I use Bick 4 on all my leather goods, including my boots made with bullhide.
The only cautionary note I would add to bull hide is that because it is made from older animals it can be a little more brittle (despite its tough appearance), so don't let it dry out too much between greases/ oiling.