White's Boots
Hey looking into Whites semi-dress boots and had a question on the different leather options what are the differences in durability and comfort for the different types of leather ? I am overwhelmed by the options for leathers (colors and animals)
Comfort - Chromexcel or buffalo, but both mark fairly easily.
Durability - Horse, Dress or Smooth. I recommend dress as the most bang for your buck, it ages well too.
skaterpunk437, I am with Mega, go with Smooth or Dress.
D666, the evo is sick!!! I like it! -
^Never ever do that to your whites
WOW D666 great examples (I can't decide which i like better the brown or the black) how old are your boots? also you you apply any conditioners or such ( especially to the raw scuffed area)
Nah never condition. If the leather got dry I would throw some Obenaufs or Pecards on them. I used to do it to my Alden 405. My White's have never been treated. Both pair are a little over a year old. I also have a pair of black cherry cxl/natty cxl bounty hunters that I love but never seem to wear. My next pair are going to be harvest roughout BH
I also have a pair of black cherry cxl/natty cxl bounty hunters that I love but never seem to wear.
Got any pics of these?? do not see black cherry cxl as an option sounds right up my ally if its what i imagine
that color is very very nice something to really consider thanks for the post
After only 3 weeks my Red Dog Smoke Jumpers are shipped
It is #8 cxl I don't know what I am talking about. Thank you for the correction