White's Boots
The boot looks lovely, but I really dont like the buckles.
G. himself has some nice buckles in the making
But he has decided he ain't selling them. If you want a pair, you'll need to buy a pair of Wesco from me or one of my retailers…...Sorry, not working my nuts off sourcing stuff just to grace third party stuff with beautiful components they should source themselves....
I know it won't actually make any difference to how many I sell........But there we are.....
In Germany we say "Wink mit dem Zaunpfahl", it means something like "To give a broad hint"
Just read on a Japanese poster's instagram that a local shop is no longer taking orders for White's…Looks like distribution there is already on roll back...wonder what ABC Marts plans are? Depending on how much of a footprint they plan in Japan it may have an effect on quality/production
I fear for what will happen to White's, they were my first top quality boots and (to me) always had an integrity that seemed questionable elsewhere.
It's not like other companies don't make really nice boots, but White's never forgot who they were or what they are good at, working boots for working dudes not just us posers and work wear fetishists.
I'm hoping that if White's are to be scaled back in quality and their integrity compromised that Wesco can take their place in my affections, I'm certainly very impressed from what I've seen and handled so far, but you never forget your first love.
I'll be watching closely for developments as I'm sure will many others.
@catchgeo , those are perfect!
Mega, I'm obsessed with Wesco just as much as White's unfortunately the lack of arch support ala arch ease ultimately makes them worlds apart in comfort for me. I have flat feet so the Arch Ease is a godsend! For this reason Nick's would probably be the only alternate in terms of comfort, possibly Drew's although the build isn't as robust for my understanding.
I am also keen to see what will happen to White's. Expansion / off-shoring production (if they are considering them) may have some implications on its product line. I think they already have a diffusion line, perhaps to off shore it and keep the production of their core products in the U.S. Allen Edmonds used to be made and sourced in the U.S. a long time ago. They now have "U.S. made" shoes and shoes that are made elsewhere. Last time I heard their shoes are still pretty good (as least the U.S. made ones). Since we already have an existing thread, we can chronologically see what will happen to their boots in here.
I got pretty chatty with a couple of the guys and girls at Whites discussing builds and reworks etc.. and with Kyle Baker through the boots contest. I considered dropping Kyle a line, and maybe some of the guys at Whites to see if they had any clue or inclination about what the effect would be but decided against it as its their jobs at the end of the day, so I guess any concerns that we customers have are magnified if it's your living.
For me I just hope they take the approach of "it ain't broke so don;t fix it".
@aho , I have really stupidly high arches and find that the arch ease system gives me the support that other boots don't, having said that I also really enjoy wearing my Alden Indy's for comfort, which have virtually no arch support. Never worn any Wesco boots for more than a try on session but people who's opinion I trust implicitly tell me that I won't look back ( @Giles , @seawolf ), so I'm excited to land my first pair.