Iron Chef WAYCT - What Are You Cooking Today
I cooked an early birthday meal for me and my best friend. I made beef with ginger (should help get the rest of the flu out), whiskey (Knockando) and peanuts, she made ratatouille. Both were great…
…adding ginger
…adding tasted better than it looks.
Proud chef, still lacking IH apron
1. Roast onions, garlic, ginger and turkey.
2. Add some plums and pieces of an apple. Damp down with plum wine.
3. Add a can of chickpeas with the juice. Spice it with salt'n'pepper and chili. That's it … -
Homemade nachos
drooling on my keyboard. now have to get something to eat
I'm gonna pop my wagyu cherry next week: else eaten wagyu?
I'm gonna pop my wagyu cherry next week: else eaten wagyu?
yup - couple of occasions; wasn't convinced first time around - less so second time. provenance wasn't in question either time.
the extant of marbling makes it quite pale looking, and i felt there was little flavour compared to other breeds with similar marbling such as charolais and nowhere near the level of good angus . . . but I prefer something off the rib or a cut like pavé which is probably not how you'll find wagyu presented
guess you need to try to know . . . be very interested in your findings
Dam… Drooling now all over those steaks..