IHSH-16 Heavy Chambray Western Shirts
what glasses are you rocking? moscot?
The originals, made in USA, and super cheap. I have the clip-ons for them as well. I'll take some pics soon and post to the eye wear thread.
ok, throwing this one out there, what do you think harakis take on a camo version of this would look like? camo anything for that matter.
sorry mate, bit hung over. can i have that in english for the stupid please
cool. read that about ten times and couldnt work it out! thought id actually gone and broken my brain this time. beer and whiskey, hours of pleasure, a whole day of pain and regret!
Quick coldwash after my Dupont leaked some ink into the chestpocket… Drying... Doubting as to whether I should hotwash...
Sorry you got your shirt dirty, Seul….
Def need one of these in XL if anyone's willing….
Fitted boots…Touché!
spending another day in this beauty…
Waiting for pics of 7tacos… In the meanwhile, this is the best I can do to capture the true colour...
Fuck, I've really dropped the ball on my pics lately. Must do my 16s for this thread and my wabash chore for Rocket et al.
I've cobbed a blue, black and brown IHSH-16, all in the past two weeks. I need the red one.