SDA - Studio D'Artisan
Would it be recommended to soak these prior to wearing?
My concern is if I don't soak them, it will wear out a lot quicker,and if I do, they will shrink to a point that I won't be able to put them on….they just fit
I was waiting for the stretch before soaking
Those look nice!.. Black?..
Would it be recommended to soak these prior to wearing?
My concern is if I don't soak them, it will wear out a lot quicker,and if I do, they will shrink to a point that I won't be able to put them on….they just fit
I was waiting for the stretch before soaking
Those look nice!.. Black?..
They are deep indigo with white weft dyed black
i am pretty sure they're raw? so yes you should soak them which does shrink them so….....
not soaking raw does wear faster, i find raw jeans stretch easier after soak. how tight are they now?
Jimmy - I would say I probably have maybe give/take 1/2 inch to spare on the waist….If I showered them them on....would that help with the shrinking....instead of just a plain soaking in cold water?
you dont waste anytime do you gollotti.
the legs dont look really tight at all but the waist needs to stretch slightly if suggestion would be cutting a piece of timber to wedge in the waist band, as tight as you can get it to button up then do your hot soak leave the timber in while drying.
that way your waist should stay the same while the rest shrinks.does that make sense to you?
^ Agree - Next Monday they will be taking a trip to San Francisco with a few other jeans to get snipped and stitched at Self Edge
you're not wanting a cuff? be careful hemming a new pair as the combs will take a good inch out of your length and it will most likely shrink a little more in your next wash.