Guitars anyone???
Cool looks like you've been doing lots of research, for me its new gear like this is always hard to find the time to get to know it set up etc. I just started using IEM and I have weird ear canals so the stock fitted ear pieces don't work that great, I,m going to get custom molds just trying to figure who/what I should get. Any chance your familiar with IEM?
hey I just checked out that Bias Spark that looks really cool especially for practicing writing
Also Greg Koch makes everything sound great !
@theorocks I've got copious amounts of free time due to the Coronavirus lockdown and unemployment, so I need something to keep me out of mischief.
I'm also looking into dogs…
I don't know anything about IEMs. I got a pair of custom earplugs for riding a motorcycle years ago, and the process involves putting stuff in your ear to make an impression. So you're probably going to be constrained by who offers the service locally.
As for the iRig Stomp, the two problems that I've read about with it are that the sockets on the back panel aren't too durable. And there can be latency issues when running it into Amplitude on a PC. But iPads seem to be fine.
Cool looks like you've been doing lots of research, for me its new gear like this is always hard to find the time to get to know it set up etc. I just started using IEM and I have weird ear canals so the stock fitted ear pieces don't work that great, I,m going to get custom molds just trying to figure who/what I should get. Any chance your familiar with IEM?
westone do a serious kit for IEM. the have a basic range and a range that involves custom ear impressions. i get away with off the shelf ones and use shure that have now become my earphones to listen to mucis.
I really should be practicing coding tests on leetcode, but instead I've been watching videos about the Boss SY-1000 guitar synth. It can be used directly from a 1/4" jack, so you don't need to bolt on their GK pickup.
It has some of the effects and amp simulations from the Boss GT-1000 too, so it could be an all purpose unit…
- topic:timeago-later,25 days
looks like i'm set then..
Cool looks like you've been doing lots of research, for me its new gear like this is always hard to find the time to get to know it set up etc. I just started using IEM and I have weird ear canals so the stock fitted ear pieces don't work that great, I,m going to get custom molds just trying to figure who/what I should get. Any chance your familiar with IEM?
westone do a serious kit for IEM. the have a basic range and a range that involves custom ear impressions. i get away with off the shelf ones and use shure that have now become my earphones to listen to mucis.
Cool will check
Out I have heard
Of WestoneSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I really should be practicing coding tests on leetcode, but instead I've been watching videos about the Boss SY-1000 guitar synth. It can be used directly from a 1/4" jack, so you don't need to bolt on their GK pickup.
It has some of the effects and amp simulations from the Boss GT-1000 too, so it could be an all purpose unit…
Looks like fun [emoji851]
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- topic:timeago-later,21 days
- topic:timeago-later,28 days
@xtcclassic nice [emoji106]
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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Strat looks awesome but I’m being distracted by the Bassman (?) and the Plexi.
- topic:timeago-later,3 months
I have been wanting to join this conversation since I joined the forum just as I wanted to pick up my guitars and start playing as I used to. I took a long break and wished I wouldn't had. As I found myself almost back to square one… I couldn't play anymore. After many false starts trying to build my skills back up I finally feel some progress. So much so, that I have rejoined my old metal cover band.
Then and now
Thanks Giles. I look forward to talking shop in this thread and posting some gear shots. Maybe even some music.
Something that got me back on the path was remembering this weird guitar I saw in Musician Fiend Magazine years ago. Back in the late 90's maybe. I did a bunch of searching and finally found it… was hell to find as I didn't know the brand or name of this guitar. But I persisted and found it! They still sell them. Haha and I bought one and have been woodshedding ever since.