Guitars anyone???
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Strat looks awesome but I’m being distracted by the Bassman (?) and the Plexi.
I have been wanting to join this conversation since I joined the forum just as I wanted to pick up my guitars and start playing as I used to. I took a long break and wished I wouldn't had. As I found myself almost back to square one… I couldn't play anymore. After many false starts trying to build my skills back up I finally feel some progress. So much so, that I have rejoined my old metal cover band.
Then and now
Thanks Giles. I look forward to talking shop in this thread and posting some gear shots. Maybe even some music.
Something that got me back on the path was remembering this weird guitar I saw in Musician Fiend Magazine years ago. Back in the late 90's maybe. I did a bunch of searching and finally found it… was hell to find as I didn't know the brand or name of this guitar. But I persisted and found it! They still sell them. Haha and I bought one and have been woodshedding ever since.
Another post featuring that same guitar along with my home practice rig that's evolved a lot since. I hope to show how my band rig and home practice rig is evolving.
Musicvox Spaceranger
Orange Tiny Terror
Line 6 Vetta
Genz-Benz 2x12
Here's the always evolving rig I put together for playing with the band and I took it to the practice dungeon and just leave it there:
Peters Chimera
Marshall 1960TV 4X12
Pedalboard full of my secret weapons
Here is that same pedalboard when I pulled it out of the vaults to see what I had to work with:
So I stripped it clean and started with a blank slate:
Nice rig Dalt! I too have been attempting to get back into it.
Thx to a FB friend that keeps sending me vids of him learning/playing Team Spirit. And me retorting.
Current axe list.
@daltmeyer great to see you're getting back in to it
@mikebarhoot plenty of versatility with those 3! Metal through to Jazz!
Thanks AdamJ and MikeBarHoot!
So I had a lot of fun putting that pedalboard together. I took it to the band rehearsal dungeon and left it there. I decided to build a backup board or just one for around the house to keep the floor tidy and experiment with different effects.
I looked around and found this online and sent an offer that was accepted. I knew it would be a lot of work to strip it bare and prepare it for different pedals. What an understatement! I underestimated how much scraping and adhesive remover I was gonna need. Let alone how much velcro.
Here's the populated board before they removed the pedals and then some photos of the pedals removed except the huge Mondo power supply and all the cables that were included in the sale and needed stripped off:
So after hours of unscrewing the wooden riser blocks, scraping adhesive and velcro. It's finally ready for carpet… or velcro. I choose velcro soft side.
And finally this is the monster I created. Some pedals are redundant because they are crucial or just part of my style and sound. For instance I love my loop switchers for one as that helps keep tap dancing to a minimum and also takes pedals not in use out of the signal chain.
Another for instance is the Whammy DT is vital for all the different tunings I use.
This was supposed to be an extra board or something to experiment at home with but really what has happened is it's looking like it will be my stereo board and my other one will be mono. I barely got it built and it's already evolving into something different haha!
Nice Fuzz Probe! I used to have so many Zvex pedals way back in the day, including a Fuzz Probe and a Wah Probe (and a Seek Wah, a Fuzz Factory, and a Wooly Mammoth). Went from having a crazy pedalboard to no pedals at all, and recently built this one:
Also building a Wolfgang:
Thanks xtcclassic! That's a nice tidy board you got. I spy some Pigtronics and Radial. I have some of their pieces. I also have and use that same Keeley Compressor Plus! I have 2 of them, one on each board!
Nice guitar build! I used to have a Peavey Wolfgang Special and can't understand why I let it get away.
The rotary and tremvelope pedals have my attention. I would like to incorporate those effects some time.
Good eye spotting the Fuzz Probe but it's one of the pedals that's gonna be coming off of that board. I just cannot get anything musical from it without so much effort. I don't think it gets along with my guitars with active pickups. Hmm, maybe I'll try a guitar with passive and weaker pickups first.
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Well, “musical” is not exactly what comes to mind when I think of anything Fuzz-Factory-related.
More like apocalyptic pandemonium, but fun.
I had a Wolfgang Standard stoptail back in the day, and I’ve always regretted selling it. The neck was amazing and the guitar was so alive and resonant that it won me over despite me not having a high opinion of Peavey and not being an EVH fanboy. I found someone selling NOS Peavey Wolfgang bodies, necks, and cases so I jumped on the opportunity to get another one at an affordable price and build it to my specs.
Progress pic of the Wolfgang