Guitars anyone???
@NorK I would never step on a stage until I've mastered it.
I can't deal with midi or menus much anymore. Although I used to use my Line 6 Vetta II HD for practice, rehearsal, and live. Thing is I forgot how to operate it! Haha. I need to download a manual.
With my board the 2 true bypass looper switches are labeled with the effects in that loop. The switcher on the left is for the amps effect loop effects. The switcher on the right is for front of amp effects. So I can turn the individual pedals on or off at my leisure to have them ready and then just hit one switch on my switcher to engage.
There's 5 loops in front of amp, and 2 loops for the amp effects loop. These switchers are the key to operating my boards successfully.
My eyes just glazed over trying to explain it. I feel sorry for anyone trying to read it.
Very nice @daltmeyer ! I like the DIY touch of your pedalboard.
I always wondered, how do you manage all of this live ?
I program my sounds in my multi fx (helix FX) which controls my amp (Mesa JP2C) via MIDI, so I can load any sound with one click. And I still sometimes miss the right switch live. I would be lost with such a board -
My eyes just glazed over trying to explain it. I feel sorry for anyone trying to read it.
At least you seem to know what you're doing !
Is it me or should this thread be in the Hobbies and Pastimes section?
Zvex Nano 1/2 watt microtube amp I picked up used after always regretting moving mine years ago sits on top a Randal Diavlo 1 watt tube fire breather I pickup up at MF Stupid Deal Of The Day a couple months back for a remarkable price. Both of these can drive a 4x12 speaker cabinet. Pictured here with my VHT Fatbottom 2x12 with Cel G12T75 speakers:
I started going through some of my guitars that have been in the vaults for over 8 years that needed some tender loving care. This guitar was built by hand from scratch by one man in Mesa AZ. Here is my Gutierrez Juggernaut back from the repair shop:
Body- mahogany
Neck- wenge (unfinished)
Fretboard- cocabola
Headstock- cocabola cap
Pickups- Barenuckle Miracle Man
Tuners- Sperzel locking -
Gutierrez Siren out of the vaults, back from the technician, and into the light of day for the first time in over 8 years:
Body- Limba
Neck- wenge
Fretboard- cocabola
Headstock- cocabola cap
Pickups- EMG can't remember models
Tuners- Sperzel locking -
…'67 Fender American Telecaster. Work Horse.
Starting small. I started playing a month ago to make the most of pandemic time. I’m kicking myself that I didn’t start 20 years ago. Here is my acoustic, but I’m on the hunt for a lefty Tele. I absolutely love the minimal nature of the butterscotch blonde. I think it will help me focus on learning since I can play in silent mode with headphones.
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Tele’s are great @summ3rhays for such a simple guitar they are extremely versatile as far as what styles of music they work for.
I wish I started with such a nice guitar @summ3rhays !
Lefty too, my parents bought me my first guitar right handed… It was very unnatural first, now I'm glad I've got so much choice when chossing one -
Out of the vaults, back from the technician, into the light of day:
ESP DV8 Dave Mustaine custom shop
Out of the vaults, back from technician, into the light. This one needed a big gouge repaired from where it got dropped. Don't let drunk bandmates play your guitars!
ESP Standard 1 of 7 special run
Out of the vaults, back fro… yeah you get the idea.
Gutierrez Siren
… what did Scrooge say? Bah! Humbucker!? :o
Or,,,Humbucker!?! Damn near killed her.
Some very nice instruments gents!
Used part of my bonus and jumped into electric.
Telecaster American Professional II
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Oh. The ones you mentioned ok too.
Wait. I forgot. Did i mention
Tweeeeeeeeddddd!?! -
I’d kill for an original brown tolex or silverface Princeton. I used to have a 1968 Super that sounded glorious. Old Princetons are selling for crazy money now, wish I had picked one up 10 years ago.