Good god man just buy them and relish in the opportunity of a bargain. You could always move them on if not! (Providing they're in good condition of course)
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brand new unworn
Indeed. Proof that I need a coffee for my brain to function normally!
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Found a pair of brand new unworn steel toe Wesco boots for $80 OBO and am thinking I could give e’m a try as beater shoes for the price, BUT they are size 10.5D and I do 10D in White’s smokejumpers… They would be too big wouldn’t they…?
OMG! Get some insoles. Buy!!
Those look great. Not picked up on the flight masters before…
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They're a heavily modified Packer on an MP last…..I shouldn't really use the other name.
those boots are beautiful @Megatron1505 did you purchase those from rakuten?
Nope, special order from someone MUCH closer to home
Whatever they are Megatron they fan-effin-tastic!
Right up my alley boot wise….
Looks great Mega. Can you post some more pics when you take the boots off? I definitely see some Wescos in my future.
I'll take some pretty pics tomorrow if I get chance dude, but I just put some pics in the "Show Us Your Boots" thread of my boot family for now
I just saw them in the boots thread. Look good.
They're a heavily modified Packer on an MP last…..I shouldn't really use the other name.
Very nice
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