Pictures of your Wescos!
Hello all Wesco boot fans!!
Some of you may have already seen we have launched the new version of our website at We are working on creating a Custom Boot Gallery, where we’d love to showcase some of your brilliant custom builds. Looking through the forum we realize there are many amazing pictures taken of Wescos from Close-ups, to mid-range, to full on lifestyle shots-we like them all.
We have loved becoming a part of the Iron Heart forum which gets people involved and sharing their experiences, from jeans to boots to favorite coffee. We feel the IH forum is the best place to ask you all for support in setting up a showcase for your/our amazing customized boots and shoes. For some reason there has been a misconception for some time of our brand that we only build work boots, we would love to be able to show how far from the truth that is!
If you want to reveal what a great build you dreamt up, please post pics of your Wesco boots here (once we have the custom page built we will update the link to take you directly to it), and chances are they’ll be up on the Wesco website, as examples of what wonders we can create together, before you can say boo to a moose……
Thank you all,
The Wesco Family
The olive ones are farking amazing!
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Hi, this is my first post on the forum but as I'm currently putting together my ideas for my own custom Wesco engineer boots when I saw your post above Giles I just had to jump. The burlap rough-out is one of my possible choices for the boots I'm going to order so I just wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind posting up a couple more pics of your rough-out custom boss pls Giles with a list of which options you chose when you ordered those boots, if that's not too much to ask?
Thanks in advance
A couple for you Chris [emoji106]
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Hi, this is my first post on the forum but as I'm currently putting together my ideas for my own custom Wesco engineer boots when I saw your post above Giles I just had to jump. The burlap rough-out is one of my possible choices for the boots I'm going to order so I just wanted to ask you if you wouldn't mind posting up a couple more pics of your rough-out custom boss pls Giles with a list of which options you chose when you ordered those boots, if that's not too much to ask?
Thanks in advance