UPS normally gets here 2-3 business days once shipped
DHL seems to take 1-2 business days once shipped (ordered yesterday, shipped today, be here tomorrow, that is FAST!) -
That would be quick! Keep us posted please.
Never had a problem with UPS, nor with DHL, so either way is fine by me.. As long as it's not FEDEX
DHL shipped Tuesday, arrived on Thursday. Very good.
Not liking DHL. The estimated arrival always sound/look good, but they haven't met either of them on time.
My Wescos were said to be here yesterday, I figured that wouldn't happen and it didn't. They left NY a few minutes past 3AM this morning to go to Harrisburg, it only takes 3 hours to get to Harrisburg from NY,NY. Almost 8 hours later, no update, no delivery, nothing.
Not digging DHL that much. UPS is pretty darn accurate when it comes to estimates and delivering them on time.
Using UPS for YEARS through business connections, they do handle their shipments pretty…I mean REALLY CRAPPY, haha. But with these items it doesn't matter.
Update: DHL now updated it's en route to be delivered. Guess they send out their couriers later than I'm used to. UPS is like 7 or so in the AM and if it don't get out early, it waits till the next day.
The only delivery company I had no issues with is UPS (and I tried them all) so they definitely have my vote. Are you talking about DHL or DHL Express? The latter is superb the first is meh. (They are two separate divisions).
It's DHL Express (at least that's what on the invoice!) On the whole, feedback on DHL is really positive. We would like to streamline our courier services (currently using 4, which means 4 different processes, 4 lots of pickups etc. etc.) and of course our discounts are based on level of business so to get best efficiency and pricing (we would like to keep our free shipping threshhold at $200) we probably need to drop at least one of them…
DHL, Sorry but I will add my 2 cents worth about DHL. Our company used to use them prior to DHL going international only with no domestic service. They were half arsed at best prior to going international, now on serving the US, probably most cities or airports are lucky if there is one yellow DHL van making deliveries. Still waiting my last order.
My shirts arrived this AM. They were slated for late Fri. delivery, which I thought odd, but anyway, they got here today.
… One of the things that I think is good about DHL is that you can change routing on the fly....
God, that must come in handy!
I'll chime in and say my vote goes for DHL 100%. The ability to waive the signature required upon delivery is worth it's weight in effin gold. This was a huge inconvenience for me when UPS was handling deliveries. A signature would always be required with UPS. I work a normal job like most people so there is no way I would ever be home when they would attempt delivery unless I took the damn day off of work. So this meant a phone call to UPS, getting put on hold, being transferred to their international department, talking to someone for about 5 minutes to have the package dropped off at a local UPS center. My local UPS center is only open till 6pm so half the time I wouldn't make it there to pick up my package after work. This sometimes meant that I would get a package delivered on say a Tues or Wed but woulnd't actually be able to get to the local UPS center until Saturday to get my shirt or jeans. Pain in the ass.
I am more than happy with DHL and quite honestly it allows me to make purchases more freely through IHUK than it did in the past. Before I would be a bit hesitant unless I absolutely wanted the item. Bottom line is because of DHL's option to waive the signature required I will spend more with IHUK.