Quotes Worth Quoting
I love that Beaver
The world will hear the roar of our engines. -Matthew Dickman
I'm fecked if I can remember…..(Fret not Lando, Mme B will have it covered)...
….I just like to stare at the stock room for an hour/ day or two.
Holy fucking shit snacks, USPS tracking is doing my head in - my boots appear to have taken up residency in San Francisco.
back in my day it was a quick chinese burn then a 20 mile bike ride home. We would throw rocks at Franky the local paedo and then we would play with matches while smoking second hand smoke. Ah, those were the days.
"I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further. It celebrates humanity instead of manipulating it." -Keith Haring
He's not ours.. He's three weeks old. Only stays up friday nights. Raised on Boobies and Grateful Dead!
"Here on the train … is a woman all smiles, playing with her child. O you unhappy intellectuals of the cities!—do you think you are profounder than that woman? … can you not see that this woman is a greater philosopher than you, because she has forgotten herself as part, and has found a place in the whole?" -Will Durant
Taken from, "On the Meaning of Life". Worth a read if you have the chance.
go to sleep drunkard!
IH clothing is like a fine wine, it gets better over time. If you try to change the process, you end up with grape juice…
IH clothing is like a fine wine, it gets better over time. If you try to change the process, you end up with grape juice…
That's a smart guy!
"A pimp is only as good as his product"
"During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is not to take the risk." - Soren Kierkegaard