Quotes Worth Quoting
go to sleep drunkard!
IH clothing is like a fine wine, it gets better over time. If you try to change the process, you end up with grape juice…
IH clothing is like a fine wine, it gets better over time. If you try to change the process, you end up with grape juice…
That's a smart guy!
"A pimp is only as good as his product"
"During the first period of a man's life the greatest danger is not to take the risk." - Soren Kierkegaard
"When you stop doing things for fun you might as well be dead." - Hemingway
"Everything we are
at every moment
alive in us".-Arthur Miller
sry sal, but you´d have better gave those 500USD to me instead of buying a pair of jeans and raping it to death with sandpaper and "slides"!…
personal preference & all that.
putting the information out as a lot of the forum visitors are on a beer budget with champagne tastes.
Sometimes, certain things need to be said explicitly before they sink in. Thanks for putting a lot of this way of life into perspective.