IH-822-IND - Double Knee 21oz Selvedge Denim Engineer's Pants - Indigo
Yeah, so these are getting snagged thanks to @Filthy's influence… Just turned on notifications for a restock
Gonna look really good with that new indigo wabash jacket
I know you will love them and they were worth the wait.
The Filthy Effect, see Exhibit A: Brotherhood of Bib & IH-805 sales in 2021
One of the things that's really neat about the 822 is how the felled seam gives the denim some extra structure and makes it stack cool. You have to really get them broken in for the seam to become pliable enough for this to occur.
You're killing me Mike
These are so good. Can't wait to get a pair when back…
Thanks pal. I'm going to go get a piece of foam board I can start using as a backdrop and get some better pictures ASAP. I cant decide, white or black. I ll probably go with with the white and then I can add a black sheet later on down the line.
We were talking in the brotherhood thread about how soft 21 and 25 denim compares in softness and I can safely say that these are definitely the softest jeans I have ever owned. They are so smooth and silky. Seems like the trip through the dryer made the soft AF. It is interesting to me that how both 21/25 oz denim have that polyester like sheen when they are first new. And how that goes away and gets hairy with some wear, then after you beat them up enough to break the hairiness off, they are like final- level hand softness.
…then after you beat them up enough to break the hairiness off, they are like final- level hand softness.
That's what keeps me coming back. I've given up on wearing my XHS rn while I await some repairs on them and have been in just 21oz and … I take back what i said about the 25oz being my fave. I truly can't decide. Both are so special in their own way dude.
Stoked to see some more pics of the evo on these bad boys dude.
I used to think super contrasty defined combs where the shit but now I much prefer the marbled combs that you have on these Mike! Such a lovely pair! Mine are sitting in a pile awaiting a wash…
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Thanks man. Yeah I love faded jeans. But like more hardcore vintage fades are the most flattering to my aesthetic, I think.
Full gallery here https://www.instagram.com/p/CaKy1UYOyCe/?utm_medium=copy_link
Those are unbelievable Mike, the blue is so special ! I never saw the 21oz in such a intensive blue
Looks more like the vintage 18oz I think -
Ah the Iron Heart blueberry. I think it's my favorite color too.
️ Thanks
These got lost in the mix.
Iron Heart blueberry
On top of my 2022 bottoms wishlist, together with the bibs the 634 21ib and UHR
I gave them another wash yesterday. The range of color is beyond belief.
The blue is unbelievable intense
Great Mike !