Say Nothing is good TV.
@T4920 i just started watching Trailer Park Boys first the first time a few months back. its solid gold. I find Mr. Lehey's creative prose using 'shit' hilarious.
“Guys it’s me, from now on I’m the scorpion” lol. TPB is freaking hilarious, one my favs for sure. Seasons 1-7 the best, some of the Netflix ones good too but the og Canadian ones fire. Espically any scene with Ray… side note def check out letterkenny and then shorsey, some more Canadian comedy highly recommend. -
@Inorganic the shit winds are blowing Rand...
I was so sad when John Dunsworth died, probably my favourite character in comedy show ever!
But, to quote a wise man;
'Way she goes...'
Pretty cool. Stereotype (probably?) Canadians dumbasses trying to do the big (maple syrup) heist. But, Margo Martindale charming as ever.
And the music rocks! -
@T4920 you win. This is amazing!!! Cocksucker!
I'm in the middle of watching Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the first time, and it's starting to get really good. Lots of character development and some good episodes here and there leading up to the 4th season, but it's starting to get really good now and I've heard it keeps getting better.
Related: Has anyone seen the most recent Start Trek series Strange New Worlds?
And not Star Trek at all, but Seth Mcfarlane's the Orville has no business being as good as it is. Hightly recommended.
I watched the first few eps and liked it a lot but didn’t persist. I think I was just a bit overloaded on ST from Discovery which hit a little boring for me. Picard on the other hand.
I still need to go back to the second season of Picard, for nostalgia reasons. But I struggled with the first two or so eps.
Still feel that I need to finish the journey.