Neck deep in Stranger Things now, been superb thus far. Also catching up on Mr Robot and the Flash. Anxiously awaiting Season 3 of Daredevil, The Punisher, and the Netflix Star Wars series on Darth Maul
Wasn't the Darth Maul series just an April Fools?
preacher on amc
Dammit, apparently you're correct…oh well
I'd not heard about it until your post and just did a quick search online.
Sadly, we're both now disappointed. -
Ray Donovan…..awesome.
THE MEN WHO KILLED KENNEDY - I'm no conspiracy nutter (re-arranges his tinfoil hat), but the JFK assasination has always intruiged me… This is a 9 part BBC documentary made between 1988 and 2003... I'm particularly looking forward to the last three episodes that were added in 2003 and caused great controversy by pointing fingers at LBJ...
SEINFELD 9/11 SCRIPT - shut up and read it… Great (dark) stuff... Totally nails the show's vibe...
The Out-Laws (More4) is a black comedy from Belgium, about four sisters who decide to bump off "the prick", who's the husband of the fifth sister. There's a complication in that two insurance men are investigating the sisters in case it was an insurance job. It's a great show and not something i expected from Belgium.
The Wire sounds interesting.
Right now we watch Friends SE02 (8 more to watch) and today we wanna watch Stranger Things E7 + E8.
Oh hell yes!
Just finished watching Mr. Robot and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Gotta say, even though I hate musicals, I really liked CXG. Mr. Robot was weird, but I think I liked it. Almost feels like I need to watch it again so I can make sure I know what the hell happened.
Started The Get Down last night. The somewhat subtle way that the style shift of the late 70s in NY is portrayed is quite brilliant
Indeed. I really enjoyed it.
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BLACK MARKET WITH MICHAEL K WILLIAMS - nothing groundbreaking but Michael's so good at this…
Just started watching STRANGER THINGS... Five minutes into this, and it's PERFECT... I watched a LOT of trashy/ campy/ weird/ wild/ gory horror shit on VHS as a kid... This just seems to nail it...