Grease Point Workwear
@Brock ahh okay, you’re the one I saw! Wasn’t sure who I saw with a pair of those on here. I’m going to pick up some of those as well. I think as a Fathers Day gift to myself haha
I love the loop wheel cotton, and so those shorts are a must. I wasn’t a fan of the printed logo when they released, but now I’m actually a fan.
I’ve had a few summers of wearing total crap shorts. So I think this is the year I invest in some nice pairs. Especially here in Texas
@Danimal506 I grabbed a second pair in the outlet not that long ago.. might be some there still?
@Brock Yes there are! Shhhh don’t tell anyone! Haha
@Mizmazzle those cords are
@Mizmazzle yes well atleast im pretty sure… id email Amos if you’re serious about placing an order. I dont see why they wouldn’t tho, its less work for them
822 is a must have for sure.