How to safely wash your Iron Hearts with a bar of Fels Naptha soap
Damn, too much editing in my post! Got mixed up cutting and pasting ;D. Should read: "I wish they made unscented bars, as they are indeed incredible stain removers." The stash I found years ago definitely had a fragrance. I can't remember it vividly, but I feel the new version is "stronger".
I've not had a blowout, just a crease that frays and exposes the weft. I then send them in for repair before it gets worse. Preventative maintenance and all.
I just did my first fels Naptha bath soak. We'll see if I rinsed good enough. Also it looks like it lifted most of the 'set in' grease and grime that has been there for a few washes now. I'll have a better idea how good the wash went after they dry. Fingers crossed this works well for me. I've been looking for a method of wash that can clean the railroad grime from my jawns! [emoji577][emoji158][emoji369]
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I'm interested to know how it turns out. If you do a double rinse, it's almost fool-proof.
Dear Mr @filthy25ozjunkie, would you be ok with me posting your writup on a raw denim FB page? If so and you're on FB. Pm me your name there and ill send you a invite as well as credit you.
Much thanks. MBH.
I'm no longer on Facebook. But please use it and credit it to the iron heart forum. @mikebarhoot
Will do.
Very happy with this method. It's the cleanest my jeans have felt (if you know what I mean) since they were new. I used the hottest water I could get out of the tap instead of cold water. Other than that I followed the washing directions spot on. Way better wash than a machine, plus less Indigo loss and no weird white streaks. Also the wife wasn't complaining about a blue washing machine[emoji847] pretty happy with the results!
Thanks Filthy! [emoji1598]Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Where I buy this soap retail?
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There is a link to amazon in the write up
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Retail not amazon
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You might find it at a True Value hardware store.
@Brock I'm interested to know what you thought of the smell of the soap. I think it smells okay, and one guy says it stinks… what did you think?
It Didn't bother me at all… I sorta liked the smell. It's different tho
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Yeah, and it's gone after a day or so.
Interesting thread, thanks gents.
I currently either rinse my denim with lukewarm water in the shower if only a quick rinse is needed or a soak in the bath with mild soap.
Straightening out and hanging to dry is key for me. -
Do you do that whilst wearing them? I've read Fanya washes his in the shower too. And I wonder if that means while they are being worn…
I'd do that but my jeans are always really dirty and smelly.
No, not while wearing them. Usually light soiling mud, dust maybe some food and drink especially if one of my young kids sits on me to eat!
I use the pressure from the shower head to wash dirt off. I dont usually get too much bleeding, like you do if you soak for a while.
Does hand washing eliminate the creases on the back leg?
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