Iron Sports
What kind of lifting do you do?
Early 30's I started moving heavy shit at the gym, and this is how:
6 Sets each/6 reps each. Add 5-10 kilos sets 3 and 4, and then again for sets 5 and 6. All in less than 60 minutes.
-Bench Press
-preacher curl
-chest supported row
-olympic squat
-dumbell overhead press
-dipsAbout 2 and a half years ago I started learning weightlifting; the snatch and the clean and jerk. I dont Crossfit at all. Just trying to get around to competing and struggling with a broken neck. Fractured C7 at the bottom of the 4th rep of a set of 5 @120kg squat (bw~75kg).
Our squatting went like this:
During the mass/strength gaining (initial) phase:
[day 2 week 1]: 4X3 front squats followed by 4X5 back squats both at 70% 1RM 2 minutes rest max each between all 8 sets
[week 2] 75%
[week 3] 80%
[week 4] 85%
[week 5] 70%
day 5) each Saturday there's be a variation like low box squats (~5cm) new heavy triple PR and step ups single leg (holding two heavy dumbbells, so by plus 50-60kg) 24" box, new 5RM. 80% of that AMRAP (to failure), or work up to a new front/back squat PR.***note, during this time there 2 works sessions a day, often HEAVY (4 exercise each 4X10 glute/ham work and some pulling like 4X10 chin ups and kb swings
Before I injured my neck we had transitioned:
[day 2 week 1]: 5X5 70% (this had a deloading effect)
6 1X5 80%
[day 2 week 2]: 5X5 80%
[6] 1X5 82%
[2] [3]: 5X5 82%
[6] 1X5 85%
[2] [4]: 5X5 85%
[6] 1X5 88%
[2] [5]: 5X5 88%***still second sessions but it'll be 2X10 and 2X10, instead of 4 by 4X10
Sporadic! I have 2 jobs and 1 kid and 1 wife, so if I get 2 workouts in I call it a success. I always squat, and do one intensity day (low rep/high weight) and one volume day. Volume day might look like 5x5, or 3x15 or something. Intensity day varies, the last one was 5-4-3-2-1, then max reps at 85% (got 4). If I feel up to it and have the time, I'll do some other mixed modal strongman/odd object stuff. Maybe push a prowler.
I competed in powerlifting for 3 years from 2010-2013, so I can get away with the incredibly low consistency due to the fact that I can challenge myself pretty effectively with all that latent capacity.