Japan - May 2017
We're staying at the rather grandly named Dormy Inn Premium Shibuya Jingumae Hot Spring - as recommended by Sarina.
It was pretty cheap, and I managed last week to get a room there for @Lindsey who will join us in Shibuya on Monday morning (Giles and I will be in Kojima over the weekend meeting baby Kiito and coming up to Shibuya by train on Sunday evening).
What time do you arrive on Sunday 14th @dylantbmayes?
Baby Kiito! How exciting!!
@Madame Buttonfly, I arrived early morning Sunday… 5:15am early
Looking forward to seeing the both of you... and @Lindsey, I guess
@dylantbmayes oh yes hardy hah
Love the view as you fly into Kansai Airport
See you both Sunday night!
Today we went to Osaka Castle. Look at these kids, you'd have a snowball's chance in hell of getting British kids to be this obedient….
I've been telling people for years that they are
nafdangerous…To tell you the truth, I felt slightly nauseous when I saw a young Japanese girl follow this advice last night at about midnight…I really wish she had vomitted on the rails not the platform...

if you have time, you MUST go to the osaka aquarium (kaiyukan). it's massive and amazing. probably takes a couple hours to see it fully!
@Giles will wish he had his rods with him.
if he wants to wrestle the whale shark they have, go for it..
@louisbosco - would have loved to see the aquarium, but we just had one afternoon free in Osaka so we did the castle and a riverboat tour. Much more to see, so we must go back. Now on shinkansen headed for Okayama to meet family Nakanishi. @dylantbmayes will let you know what time we expect to arrive in Shibuya tomorrow once we have timings.
It's great to be back in Japan