Ah, Beats, you have new admirers! Chuckdenim, I am sure if you ever need someone to babysit your lovely friends Beats will be first in line.
Sorry to hear that beatle
Always tough to lose something.
lax, do you give Salem bottled water? One of my boys had some bladder issues and that really helped.
Actually no, my parents would prefer to give the bottled water to the dogs.. But we do have filtered water through our fridge, and I think it was her holding it in that gave her the bladder infection (couple times) so we put a litterbox upstairs.
. My pride'n'joy .
^Kat looks like a tiny Swiss Mountain Dog? This is my girl a Bernese Mountain Dog
^Kat looks like a tiny Swiss Mountain Dog?
He is an Australian Shepherd, a lot of people ask that though.
Beautiful dog you have!
i'm so sorry to hear that Beatle …... I love dogs. In the past 20 years i only cried 3 times, the first time was 2 years ago when i lost my dog, the second time was when i watched the movie "Marley and me", the last time is also for a movie "Hachi".
It's always tough to lose someone who used to be around and gave you a big hug when you needed one. -
Meet Jack, he likes to climb on things.
Haraki-San's dog "Spring"…
Could be my dog "Oscar"'s doppelganger…
dog at the bar is awesomeness.
Please feel free to keep an eye on my boy Oscar as he is currently in a kennel. You can watch different camera views throughout the facilities.
login: fetchclub1
password: 12344321He is the Whiteish/ Yellowish Chihuahua. He has been sitting by himself a lot and it makes me sad. If anyone sees anything off putting, please shoot me a PM. He is currently on the Yellow Box on Channel 3. Many Thanks!