What a cutie
Turquoise was hiding yesterday but here are some Rosie and Bluey. You might be able to see a grey spot on Blue's eye. We noticed it too and the vet said it was likely due to trauma of some kind. He had the spot when we first saw him but either way it may have been difficult to determine the cause. I think it could have been a rough housing accident between him and his brother but who knows. Vet said he can still see and is not in pain so he looks distinguished and sophisticated with his apparent ailment.
@Oaktavia , the shots pf Bluey and Rosie are great. I adopted this beauty from the Humane Society, with an eye injury about 2 years ago. She's quite active and gets around really well. She has a bit bigger cloudy spot.
@Oaktavia Has he lost his “tappetum lucidum”? Does his eye shine when struck by light? It could have been a conflict with other cats or a trauma of some kind. It's true he doesn't suffer but he loses night vision in that eye. Now he has a safe haven to stay in and I'm really happy
@ROman oh that is interesting, thanks for sharing. I do see that your awesome cat has a larger spot, as you pointed out. Glad we were both able to rescue our eye-afflicted felines, as mine was from the humane society out here in West Virginia.
@Luijim78 I'm sure the vet tried that out when my wife took him. You were 100% correct about him coming out from under the bed and following me around! He is the more affectionate cat, licks like crazy and purrs even when we are just looking at him. He is so loving in fact that his brother gets annoyed with him.
Teddy just loves the spring season…
@Oaktavia funny thing is that I believe Teddy knows he is cool and handsome dog and tries to get some dividends out of it
Doggy H loves the rays when he can get them.