Golden Oldies - Pics from your past
I will say — I met so many good friends on smoke breaks.
I think this was taken in summer of 1997 when myself and some university friends were up in northern Ontario gathering caribou data for a PhD student. Not a care in the world, in the middle of nowhere with a topographical map and a compass. Probably wondering where my next beer was gonna come from. -
An old Kindy pic and fishing in Kamchatca
Turns out I was a hipster before being a hipster was a thing, which is very hipster
Great shot. Where was this taken?
I'm thinking Knowle Park, in Midlands - we had a hill (not large) in the park, unfortunately, there was a duck pond at the bottom of the slope, many an accident was had
Of course that was n the days way before health and safety would have deemed it some sort of existential threat and closed the whole park down in the winter just in case.
Really nice…..
More throwback from the old photos i was going thru. My days of BMX roadtrips. My first go-round with a beard. circa 2002? and the Grand Canyon circa 2010?
and a bonus. late 80s? wish i still had that hair!