IHM-20 - Overdyed 14oz Indigo Denim M65
sorry lads. can't believe in about a year and a half of owning this earlier jacket, i've only managed to be photographed in less than 5 photos. which the bulk (3 or 4) of it came during my recent uk trip.. i promise i'll pull them out of the storage tub by this weekend and get some decent shots of it…
this jacket is definitely a fantastic piece and i can count it as my top IH piece bought...
Thanks so much, Louis! Looks incredible. Can't wait to get my mitts on one.
Curious if there'll be much crocking on the inside, since the herringbone liner wasn't likely indigo dyed first?
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Jesus this thing looks fantastic. I really thought I was done with winter purchases for this season but damn this is just a classic from the get go. Luckily a ton of vendors are getting them as well so if they sell out quick here I can pick one up a little later.
Jacket made up and then dunked…..
it would be cool to see a video of the overdying process. I love behind the scenes stuff like that
Jacket made up and then dunked…..
Excuse the ignorance, but does that mean: yes, the inside crocks too?
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I reckon the Christmas vouchers I received last year are gonna be getting used very soon! Now to begin the arduous process of deciding whether I'm gonna order a medium or a large!
The inside may give up some of the black dye, but as you pointed out it was not indigo dyed before it was overdyed black so it would probably be less than the face
Awesome; Wabi sabi! Thanks, guys
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Sent from my SM-G935P using Tapatalk
Done n’ dusted
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man that's a beauty. congratulations to all who are grabbing one. i am, for better or worse, in a period of forced restraint…. well i have a voucher but it wont cover 550... so not total restraint, anyways you get the picture. congrats and im looking forward to seeing some natural light photos and evo and all that mess.
best is that the velcro is replaced with buttons, maybe a personal thing but i think it's a perfect improvement! the OD treatment looks very lovely too!
They are endangered, so they will not be remade and once we run out we are out. The email notifications are on, because we have a small amount of stock left in Japan. Once that is here, there will be no more.
Gotcha. Well either way, good to know there is a small amount of stock left in Japan as well.
Need help with sizing here. My shoulders size is about 17.5" chest 40" but i'm a short dude 1.69m so should i cop small or medium? Bloody pissed off because of work today otherwise I could cop this beauty in a heart beat. Thanks everyone