IH-634S-RAW - 21/23 ounce raw straight cut
please share where can we lay our hands on one. eyeing a W32 if possible.
Yes, I did the initial double hot soak.
You read the "manual" that came with the jeans, didn't ya?
Yes, I did the initial double hot soak.
You read the "manual" that came with the jeans, didn't ya?
You'll be fine, then. Put them on damp and they'll stretch right out in no-time.
X-post from RAWWAR
Hello guys,
Join the bandwagon a little late…
Finally found time to do my hot 'soak'
It was really tough to flip the jeans inside out..
After 1 hour and half of hot soak.. This is the color of the water..
Drying up…
Wasn't able to take post-soak fit pictures.. buttons was so hard to button up and I gave up trying for now.. This was what happened trying too hard..
Adopt from James. It's brilliant idea. I hope it will help..
Let the WAR begin!!
^ nice pick-up! now the fit pics…
Soaking jeans in sg style, haha.
Yeah, Ron. If only there is bathtub… SG style rocking pretty well too. haha.
Very 'Original'