Result after approx. 4 hour session
Ain' t afraid of nothing
You obviously know what I'm sayin'o/course i know since it´s the only thing your sorry a.. is thinking/dreaming about. sad ain´t it…
And now…would you like to let me know what do you meant with your comment
Done for the moment, eventually we'll add more stuff at some time.
What are you getting done? I know for sure my next piece is going to be a tattoo-able version of some Alex Grey art.
I've got none but I did want to share the amazing work of my friend Erica in the New York area.
No pain - no gain! … Welcome to the "rib-club"
..... I am very glad, to have this tortures behind me.
thanks for the warm welcome mate
wanted to have it "dotted" at first but then decided to go with the "normal" way of shading so the best thing is that we got everything done in one session yesterday…dotting the whole thing and i still would have to get like 50% done in a 2nd session! happy that this isn´t the case now -
I've got none but I did want to share the amazing work of my friend Erica in the New York area.
Erica is a good friend of mine, she used to live here in Mississippi. Tell her Clint says hi.
I love sharks
I have this one, but on a not so painful spot:
Getting a tattoo on the arm is pretty easy, and girl´s like it haha
There are so many cool animals (maybe it´s the reason why I do not eat them), I really need platypus somewhere on my legs!!! I also thought about a winged elephant on my ribs haha
I feckin love tattoos, keep this thread going!
Thanks mate -
Flash for Seul: