Chriss Dettmer is one of the best! You guys should go to Uncle Allan in Berlin as well, he´s amazing. He was my best man on my wedding and is one of my besties!!!!! He moved from Copenhagen to Berlin! Studio is called Conspiracy Inc. Also you should have a look at the other guys in the studio Matthew Gordon and Wendy Pham. I trying to book an appointment with Tim Lehi when I´m in SF in February!!
I know Uncle Allan and really love his work. Daniel (you met him on saturday) was one of the first to get tattooed by him, if I recall it right. But I was thrown off by his checklist for appointments. Sounded like you applied for a job.
BTW, the eagle on you neck looks like a Dettmer. Do you have this or other tattoos by him?
Ok, we have to do that. Will drop by when I've returned from holidays.
The beautiful Ankie Kampmeyer
The beautiful Ankie Kampmeyer
Amazing pics of the wifey! BTW, Sven is a huge IH-634s lover!!!
Kids…. One of my favorite movies. Wasn't she in the movie kids, or am I off? If not she looks just like the girl that was in it
looks kinda like her but not herë_Sevigny -
Nice work, congrats Rafa!
gonna post a better pic once fully healed. really satisfied with it…i even think about bringing in some red into the roses. the red skin from getting inked looked actually pretty good.
there's always time for that thoughsaturday is going to be wild again...just checking the last details!
IMO red is must in black and grey tattoos. Especially in the shades