Ha, I'm the opposite.
I'm a tattooer and wear short sleeves at work all day and tend to cover up the minute I leave and go out in public (rarely ever wear short sleeves out in the world)…
I like blending in during my off time and not being the "tattoo guy".I'd rather get comlipimented on my nice IH shirts rather than my "tats"...
Right on Katsushin, I pretty much only wear short sleeves during the summer so I'm covered up the majority of
the time. Here in LA everyone is tattooed so I only get the rare compliment on my work, instead it's " Hey, where
did you get those jeans?! " -
Same for me at work Doug, I'm a sleeve roller. As long as I'm not in the patient care areas I can get away with
it, until the director walks in…! -
No kidding Geo!
Power to you Doug, our director is actually pretty cool. She doesn't like tattoos but when I do
see her she always asks me if I have gotten any new one and wants to see them… -
It's healed and I'm very happy with it! I'll meet with the Artist tomorrow, maybe I'll ask for another appointment.
(hope you don't get snowblind. F*ck winter)
nice one Max!
got a new tattoo before two weeks,
now it's also healed
I really like that! where did you get it done?
By Mr.Rupert from Route66 bielefeld.
^and, is it any good?
the book makes good reading,It tells the story of her own and shares her experiences of tattooing on different people.
Great ink guys! And I didn't need to use my sunglasses max…
Added another tattoo to my left arm. It was part of a Tattoos for Japan fundraiser at my artists shop, Archive Tattoo in Toronto.
This is the three pages of flash they made for the event. You had to choose one of these images for the attoo to keep things moving along quickly. They normally only do custom work by appointment only. David Glantz, the owner and a friend, designed the planes just for me. I plan on doing the rest of my arm in WW1 and WW2 planes… I was the only person that got something specifically designed for me.
I like the idea of getting more planes. And this one is really nice made. You're lucky to have gotten something special, though.