All Things Mac/ Apple
Yeah I don't know. Not sure what she could do with everything besides maybe take them to another country? Who knows. Maybe she has a large family and just prefers cash.
In my experience, AppleCare is the way to go. Well done. How do you like the iPad Air? I expect that thing to cannibalize the shit out of Mini now.
Maybe I'm just a cynic but that just screams illegal
I dunno, lots of cash always makes me think foreigner buying stuff to take home. We get a lot of Mexican nationals doing stuff like that around here. They'll come to the mall, buy a suitcase, hit a bunch of stores until the suitcase is filled, then fly home. I'm pretty sure the Galleria mall has a service where they'll deliver the suitcase to the airport as a courtesy. And most of the purchases are in cash. I saw a dude on one of those trips buy a $6k Breitling with cash once.
I just updated to 7.0.2, I knew I wasn't crazy when I thought that the animations for apps closing/opening and returning to the home screen were way too gratuitous.
In my experience, AppleCare is the way to go.
I work at a Apple retail store with a service centre in the back. As a "Apple Product Professional" (aka cashier/sales clerk lol) and have to say AppleCare and AppleCare+ are key investments. So many people don't realize how "limited" their limited warranty is usually end up wishing they'd bought AppleCare in the first place. Especially with iPhones.
I have total coverage on my credit card and I still opt for AC+ for most purchases…
Exactly what I do
You up till the end of the 1st year to get AppleCare and it will extend your support for another 2 years.
When I bought my 5s they told me I had to buy AppleCare within the first 30 days. Maybe Apple changed the policy just for iPhones?
I may be misunderstanding what y'all are saying, but coverage starts from the date of device purchase, not from when you buy the protection. So it doesn't in any way extend coverage to wait…
AppleCare is the extended warranty offered by Apple for notebook and desktop computers, AppleCare+ is the extended warranty for all iOS devices (iPod, iPhone, ect.) AppleCare can be purchased within a year from the purchase date, but AppleCare+ needs to be bought within 30 days. This is mainly because AC+ offers accidental or physical damage repairs/exchange so Apple doesn't want people trying to buy the extended warranty after someone already dunked the phone in a glass of beer or something. If someone comes to the store to buy AC+ within 30 days, we have to have a tech run a diagnostic first. This is mainly why anyone working for Apple will try to push buying the warranty right away instead of waiting, it makes life easier for everyone. Hope this helps!
I have gotten applecare on all my macs stince back in 2003 (when you could walk into an empty apple store and just saunter up to the genius bar…..those were the days.....)
It's the best investment. When my late 2009 27" iMac was shitting bricks they replaced basically the entire suite of internals completely gratis. Issue turned out to be a bad stick of RAM.....but I'm not complaining.
the one thing I tell everyone who is buying apple: BUY APPLECARE!!