IHSH-208-IND - Indigo Kersey Western Shirt
Got mine in the mail this week and Lori liked it so much I had to order her an XS [emoji2357]
#BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor #IllNeverHaveAnyMoneyWithTwoIHAddictions
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Any size “L” hiding in the warehouse, by chance?
A question best asked at shop@irononheart.co.uk
German retailer Burg & Schild has them on stock .
Here’s the link :
https://www.burgundschild.com/de/iron-heart/ihsh-208-indigo-kersey-western-shirt -
Thanks @Daniel-San for the hint, Burg & Shild shop wasn’t on my radar. Purchased an L.
@Giles I know I should post to shop@ironheart first, I’ll remember next time
@AdamJ to give credit where credit is due, I made my decision based on a recent Instagram post by SelfEdge, showing details of the Kersey fabric.
Windy day today, so I immediately took the chance to hand wash both my kersey shirt and the 634-anni after yesterday all daylong BBQ cook.
Drying will take a few hours even in the shades.This morning everything ‘still smelled like Brisket and Pastrami
Sooo I know these say one wash and not to expect shrinkage. Has anyone got any real shrinking out of a hot soak/wash? I have a XXXL I just got last fall and lost a ton of weight and it’s pretty darn big now.
@Kfactor I have the work shirt, minor shrinking as long as you don't boil it. the voice of experience
Any restock plans?
@HalfPastNever next Spring
Thank you!
Restock still scheduled for sometime this Spring? Safe to say Self Edge will stock?
Really want to pick up a 208! Thx -
@Tris11583 ETD is May now… if you’re interested in grabbing it from SE, your best bet would be to send them a note.
This one consistently goes missing on me, might have to cop another on the restock.
plugin-calendar-event-wrapper:start |||IHSH-208-IND Restock|||
IHSH-208-IND Restock -
Picked this up in person at a retailer today as my first IH piece! Beautiful shirt and fabric is like nothing else.
Curious if I would be able to purchase and ship copper snaps online and then could I install easily enough myself, or take it to a place to do so? Or is the snaps upgrade only an option when ordering online in which they are swapped prior to shipping?