In Fitness and in Health
joe if youre not into traditional cardio routines try out kickboxing or boxing
i started training muay thai 5 months ago cause regular work out programs werent something i was into and i was always into martial arts just never did them
love it
love it so much i now go to the regular gym as well, at least 4 times a weekI started Muay Thai last year and am totally hooked. I imagine that like anything else it depends on your trainer. I lucked out in that regard. Best workout I've had.
I've met Doug. It's a completely believable statement.
Might be a good idea not to insult people you don't know, too.
No one is insulting anyone here, try not to use the wrong words, yes. Besides I can't talk I'm busy workin' out here, I suggest you get out of this thread unless you are doing the same.
I am a father of two sons and a very demanding wife and 'mellowing out' is not something I can do, it is also a quality that smacks of pot another thing i despise along with blowing my own trumpet and 450 pound squats. But this does not mean I do not have love for you and your toy cop ways nor doug and his once awesome neck and thus shall bid you goodnight. Keep it straight ahead.
I don't post very often, when I do, I try to make sure it's of value. Take it or leave it
Hi Doug, I greatly appreciate your long and detailed post. I've read it in it's entireity twice, and have terms to search for local sellers of KB's.
Funnily enough I have found yoga exacerbating a lingering shoulder injury I have. Almost like it's double jointed and I've been unable to develop the muscles to keep the ball in it's socket. Most twists would pull it out, but worst of all, no matter what, downward facing dog would kill me. I'd practiced Yoga for 3 years and was okay with head and shoulder stands, but after taking a break the injury kicked in/flared up (lost the muscle) and Yoga was unable to fix…Cross fit is $200/month here, and far less appealing than working out in my own house, especially since I work from home.
Essentially, thank you again Doug, I will be getting started on this hopefully before the new year (can't stand NY resolutions, personally, but they work for many, and power to those ;)).
I've read on other forums that you want to avoid the ones that are rubberized, and the ones with the weird indent on one side. They wind up being less versatile and comfortable ultimately. Also, beware of the ones with welded handles and have a seam in the center. The ones with the handles welded to the body have a tendency to break off mid swing, and the ones that have a seam in the center will tear up your hands. IJ swears by the competition style ones, I love my Cap Barbell kettlebells
Thanks for your post, Doug. It was a great read.