IH-555S-21od - 21oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Jeans - Indigo Overdyed Black
@goldstone0 I have both and the SBG’s definitely feel more breathable. I believe the over dyeing process tightens the weave and essentially makes the garment much less breathable, maybe one of the crew could confirm though? @Graham
@DeeDee85 Thanks. I knew it tightened the weave and was less breathable than indigo but wasn't sure how tight the weave of SBG was.
@goldstone0 no problem, to be honest I only really wear my 21oz October through to March and I’ve never really over heated in the SBG.. there’s been a couple of times with the 21od where it has felt like they were absorbing the sunlight though so def go with the SBG if you are after breathability
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