IH-555-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super Slim Jeans - Indigo
Damn those look crazy! And only 5 months?!? Great job, man. In my humble opinion, XHS is GOAT.
Thanks @popvulture
I’m definitely loving the XHS such a great denim there nice and soft now, don’t want to get them dirty again lol .
Yeah the texture gets really nice and comfy. Haven't seen the sweatpants levels Sabergirl is always talking about but hopefully mine will get there at some point!
@popvulture The sweatpants level is coming…I thought the same thing and one day it was just there. I don’t know if it was the number of washings, time worn, or just beating them into submission.
The journey is half of the fun.
Sooo. I’m 6 months in and I’m look to give these their first wash. I want to lose as little size and possible, and I read about “marbling”, no idea what it is, but everyone says it’s bad,
So id like to avoid that.What are your tips? I don’t mind investing lots of time
To get it right. -
@annonymous33 To avoid marbling:
- Turn your jeans inside out
- Soak the jeans in either a sink or your tub until they are soaked
- Take them from the sink/tub and place them in your washing machine
- Wash with cold water no or low spin
- Promptly take them out before the final spin cycle
- Turn them back to the right side out and hang to dry
This has always worked for me and by washing with cold water there is no shrinkage.
One possible idea is that you could hand wash them with Woolite Dark in cold water. You squeeze the suds through the jeans,rinse with cold water,lay the jeans out on a towel, then roll them up in the towel,squeezing the excess water out,then hang to dry. That’s probably the most minimalist approach you could take. I’ve never done it with jeans,but it works great with leather pants.
@annonymous33 Here is a picture of marbling. It’s quite noticeable around the pockets/upper thighs.
@annonymous33 To avoid marbling:
- Turn your jeans inside out
- Soak the jeans in either a sink or your tub until they are soaked
- Take them from the sink/tub and place them in your washing machine
- Wash with cold water no or low spin
- Promptly take them out before the final spin cycle
- Turn them back to the right side out and hang to dry
This has always worked for me and by washing with cold water there is no shrinkage.
You get no shrinkage at all? Some people say use hot water, you say cold, which certainly makes
More sense.
What detergent do you use? -
I do what @goosehd does except I lay them to dry inside out. I’ve found wet XHS is very difficult to manipulate. Either way, you should reduce if not totally eliminate marbeling using that method.
The pre soak is key. Don’t skip that step.
Have you ever had problems washing jeans from shrinkage?
I never get noticeable shrinkage from a cold wash. At most they go back to pre stretch measurements then stretch back out with wear. I get pretty minimal shrinkage with hot washes. I just washed my new UHRs and they didn’t shrink much at all. If you’re looking for maximum shrinkage throw them in the dryer after a hot wash. I promise they won’t explode.
As a rule though I wear until smelly, wash cold inside out, air dry outside then turn outside in.