IH-634SR - 21/23oz 5 Year Anniversary Straight Cut
I feel like a little kid on christmas eve waiting for my pair to arrive
Soaking now.
Pre-soak Measurements and Fit
Waist: 15.75in
Inseam: 37.0in
Front Rise: 10.3in
Thigh: 12.3in
Knee: 9.25in
Rear Rise: 15.2in
Cuff: 8.9 inApproximate measurements taken per IHUK's instructions. I can fucking sense the raw power in these. :o
Also, I'm really digging on these bronze rivets, hardware etc. Edits and flicks shortly.
EDIT Post-soak Measurements
Waist: 15.25in
Inseam: 34.7in
Front Rise: 10.25in
Thigh: 12.5in
Knee: 9.2in
Rear Rise: 14.9in
Cuff: 8.6inPost Soak Fit
aaaaaannnddd one in the same light as the pre-soak flicks.
Apologies if ya'll are sensitive to gratuitous akimbo.
Congrats and dope fit on them. I will never get tired seeing pictures of these being worn..
Yeah, Mine have a single Macho Cuff. Stacking looks silly on me in these…
Y'know, I thought I'd wait it out, ready to see stacks begin to appear soon like w/ my 634S-B, but have been wearing them quite a bit and have seen nothing…cuffing makes most sense.