IHC-06 - 21oz Indigo Denim Cap
wait….. what??????? :o :o :o :o :o :o
giles, what style?
Dunno, Haraki is being his mysterious self. Today he hit me with a work shirt, a cap and a new flannel that I knew nothing about until this morning......
Work shirt?!?!?! Niiiiiiiiiiice!
I'm just hoping that the hat is SuperBlack… 21oz?!? Anyways, all of this is very exciting news. I am glad the folks who wanted SS Shirts are getting what they have been waiting for! I will be checking back as per usual in regards to updates on this subject.
Is that an IH bracelet used as a wallet chain???
[/quote]No it's a wallet chain:
Here is Haraki's black medium cordovan wallet after a couple of years every day hard use. Nice…
is this another pic of that? hmmmm… i guess you don't see much more, cept stitching
So what shape is that cap going to have? Like a baseball cap? Or like those classic OshKosh caps with pleats? Or like a bucket hat?
I really like wearing caps and hats, so this may be interesting. I wear a Kangol Ventair or a Panama hat in the summer during the day and sometimes a Stetson cowboy hat at night for going out. In the winter I like to wear a Fedora with wide brim or a simple bonnet/beanie or chullo from Peru. Retreating hair cover means the head needs protection from the elements.
speaking of the work shirt…... could this be it
Pete, I KNEW, that you would not miss that!!!!
is this another pic of that? hmmmm… i guess you don't see much more, cept stitching
Of Haraki's wallet or just the model?
http://www.ironheart.co.uk/html/OB%20Wallet.html -
i meant the "possible" work shirt
i just hope it's not an engineer's style cap. i'm hoping more of a ivy/kangol style just like tfar mentioned earlier.
What's an engineer's style cap? Ah! Never mind. Found it. Those are the OshKosh "locomotive" caps I was talking about.
http://www.google.com/products?client=safari&rls=en&q=engineer's+cap&oe=UTF-8&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=Ll9SS6XhC5Gftge-z_ytCQ&sa=X&oi=product_result_group&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CB4QzAMwAAWas wearing one of those as a kid. Not sure if I would still wear one today. I do wear my Longhorn baseball style cap, though, from time to time.
seeing that i'm turning 20 on friday (and somewhat balding already) i think i'll need a hat soon.