The Mad Red Motherf**ker World Tour.
Ran some errands, and made sure Mad Red was locked into the Recaros
My in-laws and SIL popped over for a few hours so I made some smoked chicken for lunch:
We went to the beach, but I forgot my damn phone…
After we got back and cleaned up, we made a grocery run.. on the way, Crab Island (a big sand bar where boats hang out) was in full swing...
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Continued again…
Got home and whipped up dinner
This morning, we took the kiddos for a bike ride. First stop ALYS Beach
Some extra snaps along the ride:
Came home and finished a little walking path as well as did some “gardening” - aka water plants whilst having a cigar
Hung with Grayson a bit before the twins hit the hay, and I had a nightcap while doing some overdue work…
Hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
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Continued again…
Got home and whipped up dinnerThis morning, we took the kiddos for a bike ride. First stop ALYS Beach
New accessories
Rosemary Beach farmers market
Some extra snaps along the ride:
Came home and finished a little walking path as well as did some “gardening” - aka water plants whilst having a cigar
Had a few beers:
Had a snack
And then shipped up dinner:
Hung with Grayson a bit before the twins hit the hay, and I had a nightcap while doing some overdue work...
Hope everyone had an amazing weekend!
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Great post Adam !!! Felt like I was right there along for the ride. !!
Thanks Dino!
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Been another busy week in quarantine, although things are definitely getting back to normal here in NW Florida.
The beaches opened back up for residents two weeks ago, and they are allowing short term rentals (80% of the real estate here is second homes or vacation rentals) as of Wednesday, so it’s been rather “busy” around these parts.
Wore real clothes the other day [emoji23]
Spending plenty of time playing dress up
Changing my office view as often as I can lol
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Adam, this red leather jacket was made for you, it really suits you.
Great pics and looks really lovely where you live.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Bryan, we are very lucky!
Been more of the same lately, but actually had an in person meeting with a human so got to get dressed up a bit lol
My sister in law came and hung out with us at on Memorial Day and brought some Alabama
Beers with her
A house my wife and I thought we might like popped up so we went to check it out. Our goal
Is to get closer to the water, but are self aware enough to know we will probably never get a place ON the water, so we keep our eyes peeled.House was cool, kinda odd, and def in a weird location…NEXT - thankfully we are very happy in our current house and good, so it’s all just a
Waiting game.
Ran out of vodka so made a dirty Gin martini the other night… aside from having to add more olive juice than you do with vodka, it was better than I remembered.
Stopped and got donuts at the beach One morning (Maple Bacon was my selection!)
Took the kiddos to the pool for some Memorial Day sun
And finished the holiday with margaritas and a walk in the beach before the storm
I’ll work to get some more pics of the Mad Red in action, but it is quite hot here!
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So cool! I want a OneWheel, but the wife says I’ll kill myself on it ha
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Had some time yesterday with my boy, as his sister was recording her ballet recital (each class recorded their dance and they will do a watch party - smart considering…)
The wife and I managed to get out on the town for our anniversary
Went and picked up a new toy today (never mind the sleeping child)
Went on our weekly 30A bike ride with the kiddos - chowing down on donut holes
Saw this awesome low rider during our ride
Saw the most “curious” fleet of Nissans (mainly Infiniti Mom crossovers$
The FX70 out front was less odd than the Qx60 behind it (and way less odd than the yellow maxima behind that ha)Nighttime view of Rosemary Beach
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
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Hoping that everyone has had an awesome week, and I hope things are all getting back to normal in your neck of the woods.
To say people act like COVID isn’t a thing here, is well… an understatement lol
Luckily, most people are being safe and staying in little groups.
The wife and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, last weekend, and followed up our Friday dinner date, with a little morning in the water:
Needless to say, we are just my to be surrounded by this water
The rest of the week was a blur of work, meetings, shuffling kids to summer school, and cooking a bit:
Avery saw a video of her mom paddle boarding, so she made her own with a skateboard and a stick haha
Someone wasn’t too excited to get their annual shots… someone thought wearing the mask was awesome [emoji41]
After we got home from taking the kids to ice cream after their shots, the wife sent me to the bay for some sunset time on the water.
Looks like I have about another week with the MadRed, so I’ll try to get some action shots with it this upcoming week!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend
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All in all, that looks like a pretty great anniversary.
All in all, that looks like a pretty great anniversary.
Considering where the world was 5 weeks ago, I’d say it was great!
And as an aside… more people
Should get babysitters for mornings and daytime activities. Surfing and Breakfast > dinner and drinks for me going forwardSent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Alrighty guys, as my leg with the Max Red comes to a close and @DrBabyHorse is next in line, I figured I’d try to keep this moving for the next couple days it’s in my possession - DBH, hit me up with your address when you get a chance!
In anticipation of the tropical storm rolling through the weekend, we took the kids out for some park fun:
Stopped at the local juice shop for a green drink - they were out of the one I like, and ended up with one that was… let’s say... “less tasty...”
Threw some pork loins on the egg before the storm hit
Not the perfect job, but they were tasty!
Played with bubbles between the down pours
Made some home made peanut butter
Hope everyone is having a great week!
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Great pics as always. Busch has a spot in my rotation, it was a college staple.
Hahah nothing worse than a weird juice with too much bitter veg.
Hey all! I’ve been crazy busy with new classes and moving… the pandemic and the world ending and all of that, but I’m back and plan on getting pictures up more often. (Un)fortunately they probably won’t include me actually wearing the jacket because it’s 90 and humid here every day. That said, I’ll do my best to keep it interesting. Here’s some shots of ole red in the Jersey humidity.
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