Matt's New Mexico (Formerly Airstream) Adventure
We’re doing the cavern tour tomorrow but we did the bat flight talk last night. There’s an amphitheater at the mouth of the cavern opening and every night at sunset 500,000 bats ascend to frolic. No photos allowed sadly. It was pretty magnificent though. Lots of Karen’s saying shit like “How muchlonger are these bats going to be? I can’t sit out here all night.” ???
Well done @Matt ! Ava looks like a fine addition to the fam, good choice.
She’s so good you guys. She slept through the night, I did not. She snores like my wife. She’s good on a leash. She has a gentle, playful puppy bite which is good because her head is going to double in size probably. We almost passed on her because the shelter said she was a stray and was adopted but returned after 3 days because she was loud and destructive. We went back a second time and took a chance playing with her and she’s awesome. With crate training and vigilance were certain her puppy behaviors will fade quickly. However I have cautioned everyone that the first time she destroys any of my things I’m taking her back immediately. I’m not a total softy.