IH-888S-SBG - 21oz Selvedge Denim Medium/High Rise SBG
Good info. Would you say that the comfort level/eventual drape is comparable to the 21s?
I find the 21 ib to be in same category in terms of comfort and ability to keep its shape. Maybe not as warm and fuzzy as the 21s, but awesome nonetheless. Hoping the SBG is in same solar system as those, because these are all work pants for me, luckily.
if anyone who ordered a size 35 and is having regrets DM me, I missed out. i have this denim in the 555 cut and will be selling soon as the knee and calves end up being too snug by the end of the day.
@drewfonse yup easily comparable to the 21oz indigo. My pair are sweatpant level comfortable.
Great to hear, thanks
Well, I blew it on the II4. Couldn’t even hold out another week. A contest isn’t really my thing anyway. Love this denim though! This pair feels a little looser than my 21ib despite nearly identical measurements. Been getting farther and farther from skinnies recently, but don’t think I’d go any looser. Shit photos for now.
Perfect fit right there @Richard
I fear I’m also going to fall victim the moment the brown bag arrives which will hopefully be tomorrow haha @WhiskeySandwich
@WhiskeySandwich i'm holding out and try to resist on my 555 SBG. Struggling every day to not wear it.... Your 888 Looks fire man
@Fades-for-future thanks dude. I’m super happy with em
Anyone have these and the XHS? I have the 21oz indigo and looking for my second pair of IH. The SBG and XHS both seem like good options, either different color or different weight, but appreciate any feedback from anyone who's had both!
@natefreezy I have the XHS and the SBG. Love them both. I started out with 21oz OD and those are so easy to wear and comfy right out of the bag. Next I got my XHS 25oz and I instantly became a 25oz devotee. Then I got my SBG and totally dig them. Somehow got lucky shortly after and found a pair of 25oz bb and that cemented my obsession with 25oz jeans. I love my SBG…but I’m all in on 25oz always. That denim just can’t be beat for feel, for weight, for end game fading. But shit…21oz is so damn good too. The simple fact is if it’s Iron Heart…21oz or 25oz you will have the best damn jeans on the planet.
@WhiskeySandwich bro!! Your 888s look perfect man!! My favorite cut by far!! Feels so easy to wear yet still looks so fucking Rock and Roll!!!
@Mizmazzle haha, hell yeah. Thanks! I don't think I could ever have another cut again, 888 for life. Right now I'm all about 21oz SBG and IB. I'm sure I'll jump on the XHS train for the next run though.
I don’t have the 21 SBG yet, it’s on the way, but I do own a few pairs of the 25 xhs and 25ib, and 21s and 21ib, all 888.
I just find the weight, drape, and comfort of the 21s outweighs the potential for dramatic fades with the 25oz.
The 21s and 21ib still fade beautifully.
I’m probably in the minority here, but while I appreciate the incredible denim and sheer attention to detail present in the 25oz, it’s just too much denim for me, even when it gets cooler here. I find my underwear getting scrunched up more, etc.
The XHS is comfortable though. Just know what you’re getting into. The initial try on will be potentially brutal.
Prepare to struggle to get the top button buttoned on the 25 unless you follow the highly recommended advice of using needle nose pliers to loosen up that button hole.
Anyway, they are all awesome, but I wouldn’t hesitate on any of the 21s, honestly.
The ib is stunning, fades strikingly, and is reallllly comfortable. Sounds ilke the SBG follows suit.
Questions? Ask away!
Thanks guys! Both seem like good options, will be hard to pick between them but probably no bad answer.
I guess other question would be how versatile people think the SBGs are - easier / harder to pair than they thought? Haven't had black jeans in ages.
My 634s are tag 33 that currently sit at 34.25" waist. On the SBGs, tag 33 says 32.4" waist and tag 34 is 33.5". I'm not sure exactly where I need to be with the higher rise vs. the 634s, but guessing around 34-34.5" in the waist. Would you guys go with tag 34 in these?
@weftyarn now stay strong and join the indigo invitational
@natefreezy so your 634s have been worn and stretched to 34.5?
I’d go with tag 34 then. You’ll get an inch of stretch for sure. SBG does stretch a bit slower but still gets there.Also, black jeans are so versatile. They make wearing double denim so much easier and you’ll find the your shirt pairings will have a ton of options compared to indigo jeans. Of course, I wear triple denims on the regular in all indigo!! But black jeans make it all super easy to style…plus, you know, they are punk as hell!!
@Mizmazzle Correct, couple months and one wash on the 634s, currently sit at just over 34" in the waist. Not sure between tag 33 and 34 in SBGs...
@natefreezy I edited my post above with more info.
Also, I have 555, 888, 666, and 634 cuts. I thought in the beginning the rise would be a concern with waist measurements. All my cuts end up at 33” waist. So I wouldn’t say the cut/ rise makes much if any difference on waist dimensions.
@Mizmazzle It's wild that all your cuts end up with the same waist. Do you wear them all at the same spot on your body? When I tried the 555, they were just too tight for me, but my 777's and 888's fit almost exactly the same except the rise. And because of the rise, my 777's end up being almost 36" and my 888's almost 34". They're all differen't tag sizes too lol. All my IH jeans have stretched at least 1.5".