IH-634-XHS - 25oz Selvedge Denim Straight Cut Jeans - Indigo
big boys & girls in the 666s.
will say the 666s aren't d!ck tight so they can make a bigger or in my case rounder unit look good. bigger/rounder units need stuff to camo the fact that we are big/round units.
yeah i just read what i wrote & i do apologize to all that come across it.
i was feeling very articulate at that moment
i have a strict do not delete my b$ posts policy, so a lot of b$ stands
just saying a bigger person sometimes looks better in something a bit more tapered & countoured as opposed to something that is a straight cut.
a portly person looks horrible in clothing that is sized xxxxxl & hanging down to his/hers knees as opposed to a well tailored item of clothing.
heheheheheheha, horrible derailment on my part, but i hope it makes a bit more sense