Random questions to which you seek an answer
Love it, Ive visited a couple within a few hours drive here of Nashville. Don't drink as much as I used to, but still love some whiskey.
That’ll be a great time, I want to hit up Makers one of these days.
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. I highly recommend going to www.makersmark.com and signing up for their Ambassadors program. It’s a pretty cool,free,marketing program where they put your name on a barrel,and when it reaches maturity they send you a Golden Ticket,which gets you and a guest on a special free tour,along with a bunch of other stuff. @Anesthetist
I will have to do that, we drive 64 right through the heart of it when we go to WV. Next trip we plan on taking our time and hitting a couple spots.
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Picked this up used online, chain stitch looks similar to a shirt from 2013, is this likely from around that time?
Looks like a version of the ihsh-83 to me. Chain stitch instead of the patch. Probably JP only release.
@Nkwkfld atsa nice one 🤌
is there anyone that lives in France or Germany tell me if I need a mask indoors and/or outdoors?
specifically, Paris and cologne.
sorry if it's a little late, an hour before I head to the airport…
For Germany, you do need a mask (FFP2) in public transport or going to a doctor/hospital.
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@Twistlock Thanks! that's a lifesaver! I'll pack one with me! appreciate the speedy response!
specifically, Paris and cologne.
What are you going to do in Cologne? Just a stopover, or will you be staying in my hometown?
@tody will you be in cologne?? I’ll be there after the IH party.. getting there 13th night and leaving 15th morning. I have a full day on 14th sept if you’d like to meet up!!
@louisbosco I used to live there, and I still work there. If you want to meet for a coffee, that would be great. Kentaurus is close to my office, you could check out them as well. Aaaaand: You could bring my UHF that @Matt carries for me back with you from Gosport.
Hahahaha. Yeah could do, we’ll plan something once this weekend has gone by! @tody
Does anyone have recommendations for hangers for drying/storage of heavy weight jeans? Normal hangers just don't seem to get the job done.
How about these from Self Edge: https://www.selfedge.com/accessories?product_id=1326