Random questions to which you seek an answer
My GT's were anything but comfortable. I'd get some Alden Indy's, most versatile boot I own.
My GT's were anything but comfortable. I'd get some Alden Indy's, most versatile boot I own.
The break in on GT's can be rough, but I have serious doubt over the durability of Indy's as an actual work boot, I've seen some that look absolutely mangled after a couple of months "work" wear.
For a great compromise why not just hit eBay and pick up some decent condition, second hand, SD's?
How about a pair of Thorogood horsehide boots? Folks seem to like both horsehide and Thorogood's price to quality ratio.
Actually, I'm going to agree with Chris. For the price ($260!!), I don't think you're going to find a better deal than that.
Tommy (being 6 and hyper-active), covers his IH jeans in various stains every day, mainly grass and food. So, my question is this, should I….
A) Lightly wipe down the more disgusting stains every night, and generally leave him to trash the jeans as he sees fit?
Wash them properly at the end of every week to stop them becoming too vile, and have other parent stare at me for making my son wear what appears to be blatantly dirty jeans?
well, usually me and wifey washed our very active sons clothes when they became dirty.
He's just a kid fer chris sakes not a friggin' jeansmodel and they are just jeans. Wash them even everyday if necessary.
Are you being serious??
I can somehow understand grown up man not washing his jeans when they're dirty for keeping them raw ar other shit like that, but don't put your son through that.
Ha ! Point (bluntly) taken, will wash when dirty
The funniest thing is that as I saw you responded that Mega, I knew it was IJ that answered your question haha!
On the other hand, I have a friend, who is a pediatrician, who tells me that kids have such shit immune systems these days because we're all so obsessed with cleanliness. We clean our kids, our kids clothes, our kids toys, and our homes so well that they never get any exposure to germs, and never build up an immunity.
I won't use that as an excuse not to wash his jeans though
I say get him on that IH crack life ASAP. He's gonna be the most badass kid at school. Riding a motorcycle to school when he's 16 and slaying women left and right. All because of a dirty pair of jeans.
Naw, fuck that. I want him to go to law school and marry a ministers daughter. All because of a clean pair of jeans.
Naw, fuck that. I want him to go to law school and marry a ministers daughter. All because of a clean pair of jeans.
Lucifer is a lawyer. Look at him haha.
So the condition of a guys jeans have absolutely no bearing on his employment ???
Fuck it, I'm out
And don't count on law school as being a ticket to middle class respectability, either. Some of the biggest dipshits I ever meet were in law school. Tommy would be better off in a nice respectable trade, like being an electrician or a plumber.
Folks don't hate plumbers and electricians like they hate lawyers, either.
Gotcha, so he needs to be a sparkly clean plumber, beginning to regret asking the question now.
Why is milk sold in bags in Canada? I just don't get it.
And this is how you store it.
One of the Supermarkets in the UK tried this as an experiment last year (Sainsburys), they also supplied you with a clever storgae jug for easy dispensing. Their claim was that it cut down on packaging, and was more ECO friendly. It was a huge failure.
Question: Does anyone know how much Denim Doctor charges to replace pocket bags? My Busters pocket bags have now completely disintegrated, making them unwearable as they have no storage.
Why is milk sold in bags in Canada? I just don't get it.
And this is how you store it.
And they hardly ever sit in that container properly, either.
I've moved on to cartons.