Random questions to which you seek an answer
So has Wil any plans to take his expertise elsewhere or start something new by himself?
Wil@Aero has left Aero. The new management see no value in an association with Iron Heart. I am trying to sort stuff out…..
This truly is most fuckretarded business decision I have encountered in a long time. There is so much genetic parity between the two brands. You can guarantee that the management have zero awareness of the underground movements that fuel the interest in the collab. Like the dinosaurs they probably think the bright star is a good omen.
Actually really pissed me off when I found out, I love both brands.
So has Wil any plans to take his expertise elsewhere or start something new by himself?
I know not…...
Wil@Aero has left Aero. The new management see no value in an association with Iron Heart. I am trying to sort stuff out…..
This truly is most fuckretarded business decision I have encountered in a long time. There is so much genetic parity between the two brands. You can guarantee that the management have zero awareness of the underground movements that fuel the interest in the collab. Like the dinosaurs they probably think the bright star is a good omen.
Actually really pissed me off when I found out, I love both brands.
I think that it's a great shame that Will's left Aero, and similarly that Iron Heart are no longer involved. I'd been considering a couple of jackets, and the net result is that neither are now possibilities.
I don't know what the background is to all this. There might be sound business reasons, or it might have been a falling out over the direction it's going in.
Anyway, fingers crossed that Will appears elsewhere before too long. If not, there's always a number of other suppliers. (Good Wear, Eastman, Lost Worlds, Langlitz, Lewis Leathers, Buzz Rickson and possibly Pegasus all strike me as good starting points.)
It is sad, particularly for the machinists at Aero, Will, and Giles - all of who invested so much time and effort into the collaboration.
If I may wear my optimist's hat for a moment, I think this opens the door for some new and exciting possibilities. Giles has already been scoping the options, and with his eye for quality and detail I have little doubt that something great will be found.
Whatever happens to Aero from here on, I'm just happy to have a great IH/Aero jacket.
Anyone else particular to the red selvage line? Anything else just doesn't seem right….
I think blue line is nice too. Blank looks good… Green line works for me... I saw a pair of jeans (I think it was jeans) with one red line and one green line (opposite selvedges) thought that was pretty cool. Color of the selvedge isn't really something that is a deciding factor for me though... But I don't cuff jeans ever. I can see how people who do cuff may pay a bit more attention to that detail
Yeah, just something about the deep indigo contrasting with the deep red really does it for me.
I don't pay any attention to it at all. Since I never cuff my jeans, it's something I rarely see. If I remember correctly, the color of the selvedge line originally was something the mills did to identify which batch of denim went to their various customers and was randomly assigned. I guess once I found out about that, it became even less important to me. The color doesn't have any correlation to any qualities; it's simply cosmetic.
Nonetheless, I agree- the red line does look nice.
Totally agree Nick. It's a shame that more people won't be able to get the IH/Aero collabs because I think the details and construction are amazing and reflect really well on both brands. However, I am sure G has something great in store as an alternative.