Waiting for the train to Mcr Airport.
And I can now add Zürich to the list of cities to which I arrive totally unprepared.
what an amazing store!!! never seen anything like it.
The Boss, Ayumi and me walked out with VMC 25oz jeans as presents form an overly generous Roger….
i an not sure what to think about that. Its obviously a very generous and awesome gift but giving the person who made the product as a gift is a bit strange to me….....
Staying at Hotel Marta. Just had breakfast, now off to stare at VMC and then go for a wander.
Unfortunately it doesn't open until 12:00 on Monday morning
Have a guess what time my flight leaves tomorrow… That's right 12:00.
Going to have to see if I can change my flight.
Unless of course they're available to purchase at the party?
crosses fingers
More morose than usual
Damn, changing my flight would cost another £180 :(. Which is way too much.
wish you guys a lot of fun at the party today …
I'm on the guest list too but unfortunately I had to cancel the trip cause of my new puppy (5h drive and all that would be to much for him)
pleeeeaaaase post alot of pics that i can see what miss(ed)btw ... is that Shane from Burg und Schild in the back talkin' to Roger?