American Football (NFL)
@goosehd said in American Football (NFL):
I didn’t want to watch the video and found this summary on the BBC news:
That’s one of those career ending moves…and rightfully so.
What career do you think is ending? Definitely not his career in the NFL. As a commencement speaker,maybe/probably. Regardless of what any of us think about what he had to say he kicks a football for a living. Not necessarily all that high up on brain mountain. -
@Jett129 Just thinking that in today’s environment, that quite a few people will be out for his head. The question then is the management going to put their necks out to protect him and deal with the consequences.
This last Super Bowl was one of the most watched for one reason, and one reason only. The drama on the sidelines. I don’t think a lot of the people watching will be willing to deal with ideas that are not mainstream in today’s culture.
No, I don’t know how many new viewers watched to see Taylor Swift, but you can’t argue that was one of the main attractions for the rise in new viewership.
@goosehd The NFL is totally distancing itself from this incident commenting,something to the effect, that his comments do not reflect the opinions of the NFL. I think it will be forgotten come September. If some people choose not to watch,because of it, the NFL could care less. Even if that was the most watched Super Bowl ever,the Super Bowl is the most watched TV show,in the US, every year,and I don't anticipate that changing anytime soon,or because of a speech by a kicker. Of course there will continue to be people out for his head. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out.
@Jett129 Very good comments and I agree. I think back to the Janet Jackson incident and how it affected her career…it’s still debated if it was deliberate or accidental, but you can’t argue that it had negative effects on her career.
With social media being the beast that it is today, either everything will die down by September or he’ll be out of a job before kickoff. Slow news cycles and internet boredom could be his downfall as this is one of those stories that stirs emotions, much like Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction.
I can’t say that it’s right, but in this day and age he should of have had the common sense to walk the narrow line of appealing to the audience at hand (graduating class) and the public at large.
I will also freely admit that I say stupid stuff all of the time and acknowledge everyone does…maybe he learns and grows from it, or maybe society agrees with him.
Guess the verdict will come out in September as you suggested.
Side note: PM sent.
@Matt said in American Football (NFL):
@Alex looks like we play Dallas on Sunday and you guys play Washington on Monday. We aren’t leaving until Tuesday so we can get together both days if you’re so inclined. If both our teams play to form those should be fun games for us.
Very keen for this
@goosehd A few years ago a Chiefs running back,Kareem Hunt,was involved in an incident of domestic violence. The cut him immediately. I don’t think this is in that category. And if they did cut him there would be plenty of teams that would sign him in a heartbeat.
@Matt said in American Football (NFL):
I mean isn’t going to the Browns career ending?
That used to be the case but ol' boy Flacco helped with at least getting into the playoffs last season. I was a little worried about playing them tbh, 11- 6 isn't a bad record.
Billy Cundiff, my all time favorite Raven 🥸