Random Announcements
Photo-bombed by the boss ….
i love my work
work called me to come to zürich for a two day computer program! all in all that means…
zürich > taking a swim in the zürich lake > finally meeting davito > meeting swissjeans_freak again > visitng the jeansmuseum again > visiting VMC (Roger, Simona, Freddy,...) > what more to ask for
Forum member SepticSef just did these awesome tshirt designs for Self Edge!! http://blog.selfedge.com/2013/07/the-self-edge-x-florian-bertmer-t-shirt.html
That´s cool!!! A "The Ice - MMVII" poster is hanging in my room
SepticSef does and did a great job!
Feckin bad ass.
Richard Thompson, My Morning Jacket, Wilco, and some local upstart named Robert Zimmerman. All outside at a minor league ballpark on a sunny night. Life is good.
Awesome. Now blow it all on IH gear
After a shitload of work I'm on vacation now…going over Berlin to my hometown Nürnberg, with some trips to the alps. Yay.
So every year, thousands of drunk idiots from around the world come to Pamplona, Spain to run with the bulls. Every year there are injuries ranging from bruises to massive wounds from being gored by the horns. Almost all of the victims are visiting from the US, UK, Ireland or Australia.
The typical Spanish newspaper rates the danger of a morning run based upon the cumulative centimeters of wounds suffered by the runners. I don't think the length of the wound is really the issue with this one:
A 35-year-old American man from Cleveland, Ohio, who was gored by a bull Saturday was recovering "favorably" from a "rectal perforation" that affected his abdomen and a kidney, said a Navarra Hospital statement.
I'm guessing he forgot the lube…