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on the topic of girl scout cookies… one of my roommate's fiance's mother works for the outfit that makes girl scout cookies. She always brings us huge boxes full of broken cookies for free
last time we got thin mints - I'll have to take pictures to tease you all next time we get some
WTF Girl Scouts of America, give away broken cookies & half my cookies are broken anyway
^^best ever just put a huge smile on my face thanks G!!!
G-man and Mrs. P! thanks ever so much for the lovely card!so so so happy to have received one in the mail!
that said, i am now one final away from finishing my final fall semester as an undergraduate! ahhhhhh yeah!
Proud of you dep. May sound corny but not everyone is cut out for them books. Keepup the good work.
Thanks to Beatle for the photos and the design of the card. It was meant to say bybeatle.com on the back (well it does actually), but in much tinier print than we had intended…..
Thanks to Beatle for the photos and the design of the card. It was meant to say bybeatle.com on the back (well it does actually), but in much tinier print than we had intended…..
Last year's card was one of my favorite cards ever. Hopefully, I get to see a pic of this one!
if no one gets one up in the next couple of days i'll make sure to get one up for you thomas.
if no one gets one up in the next couple of days i'll make sure to get one up for you thomas.
Thanks Monday!
Thanks to Beatle for the photos and the design of the card. It was meant to say bybeatle.com on the back (well it does actually), but in much tinier print than we had intended…..
Last year's card was one of my favorite cards ever. Hopefully, I get to see a pic of this one!
I've already posted a pic of it and the sweets somewhere!
Check a few pages back mate…