Random Announcements
Happy New Year !!!!
Thanks everyone, I love this place.
Looks like your annie is fast approaching as well rocket!
yeah will be soon…..
Can't wait for the new round of IH tees. More colors and pocket tees; Spring/Summer round of product can't come soon enough…
Just wanted to wish everyone here a Happy New Year! I love you all!
shoreman's avatar game is on point. woody from whiteman can't jump
what? it's random
I've just got in from a walk around a local park with the family, and on the way home it struck me why I love my Iron Heart clothes so much, they all feel like I have owned them forever, they are so comfortable. I was wearing my Busters, my IHSH-31, an IHT and my IHM-01, the temperature was about 6 degrees with a slight wind chill and I felt warm and toasty, and extremely comfortable.
Off to the city
I feel your pain.. Was like that when I returned from a vacation over summer except there was 0 power. I was about to kill someone lol.